The Peg Pages by Nike

group of runners lined up

Kicking off with a unique venture on running in Australia, Nike and several nationwide running communities have unveiled a brilliant publication, right in time for the anticipated Melbourne Marathon due on 15th October 2023.

Boasting a finely crafted design that echoes the spirit and dynamism of runners across Australia, such as Sydney’s Furies, the beloved Hunter Run Club, and the locally-grown Run South Yarra in Melbourne, The Peg Pages captures the pulse of Australia’s running scene.

Through a uniquely innovative design, wrapped in dreamy hues of soft baby yellow with a hint of deep orange, The Peg Pages transport you to the heart of a run. It encapsulates the thrill of the race, under the endless blue expanse dotted with puffy white clouds, and the tireless hustle of runners as they surge towards their goals.

Significantly, this publication aims to shed spotlight on the much-coveted Pegasus runners by Nike. These shoes have long established themselves as an absolute favourite within running circuits across the globe.

How about hearing directly from the creators behind this masterstroke? SouthSouthWest had an insightful articulation to offer about their latest editorial and print endeavour for Nike:
“The Peg Pages:
Runners Finding Runners.
Print and digital for Nike.
Art direction and editorial by us.
Shout out to all the crews, runners and photogs on this one.”

Allow us to introduce you to SouthSouthWest, a leading brand and design agency with its roots in Clifton Hill, Melbourne, and a flourishing branch in Noosa, Queensland. They have been instrumental in shaping some of the best design work in Australia and their collaborative ventures with Nike have consistently turned heads.

In essence, with The Peg Pages, Nike and SouthSouthWest have indeed crafted a dynamic fusion of literature, aesthetics and promotion that every runner, whether a novice or a veteran, would relish. Feel free to share your thoughts about The Peg Pages in the comments below.

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