Discovering the Power of Tempo Runs

Are you keen on boosting your running performance and endurance? Tempo runs might just be the secret ingredient you need. Today we will be going in depth exploring what exactly is tempo running. Moreover, we’ll analyse its benefits, and how to incorporate it into your training routine. We’ll also provide you with an actionable sample workout to help you get started on your journey.

tempo run along the river banks

What Is Tempo Running?

Tempo running, a type of speed workout, helps to increase your body’s ability to maintain a faster pace for extended durations. It involves running at a sustained effort that’s comfortably hard, but not a full-on sprint. On an effort scale of 1-10, where 1 is a slow walk, aim for a pace that feels like a 6-8.

Advantages of Tempo Running

Integrating tempo runs into your training plan offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved lactate threshold: Tempo runs help increase the pace at which your body can clear lactate, reducing the burning sensation and fatigue experienced during intense workouts.
  • Enhanced efficiency: Practising at this pace makes your body more adept at maintaining faster speeds for longer periods.
  • Mental toughness: Tempo runs build mental resilience, helping you resist the urge to slow down or stop during a race.
  • Race effort preparation: Regular tempo runs ensure your body and mind are familiar with the required speed and duration on race day.

Tempo Run vs Threshold Run

Tempo Runner Strolling Down Street

Threshold runs, involve running at a pace that’s just below your anaerobic threshold. While tempo runs focus on maintaining a steady, comfortably hard pace, threshold runs train your body to maintain a faster pace without accumulating lactate.

Integrating Tempo Runs into Your Routine

Before attempting tempo runs, make sure you’ve already built a solid running base. Tempo runs should be incorporated into your midweek, middle-distance runs. Keep in mind that it’s crucial to maintain a 6-8 effort level throughout, as this helps improve your lactate threshold and overall running efficiency.

Establishing Your Ideal Tempo Pace

To find the perfect tempo pace, look for a speed you can uphold for a minimum of 20 minutes, but preferably for 45-60 minutes. You should be swift, but not sprinting. This pace should be challenging yet manageable – not something you’d want to do for hours on end, but not so strenuous that you’re gasping for air after 10 minutes.

How Tempo Runs Enhance Your Performance

Integrating tempo runs, into your training plan offers several benefits:

 – Boost your lactate threshold: Lactate threshold pace is the maximum speed at which your body can clear lactate while running comfortably hard. The more you practice running at faster paces, the longer you can go before experiencing the burn caused by lactic acid buildup in your muscles during intense workouts.

 – Improve efficiency through practice: As you train at this pace, your body becomes more efficient at maintaining it, allowing you to hold a faster pace for longer periods.

 – Strengthen mental resilience: Tempo runs help you build mental toughness, so you can resist the temptation to take walk breaks or stop your run early.

 – Prepare for race day efforts: Regularly practicing tempo runs familiarises your body and mind with the challenge, ensuring you know the pace that’s right for you and how long you can push yourself.

Incorporating Tempo Runs into Your Routine

Tempo runs are best suited for those with an established running base. Avoid making this your first run after a lengthy break! Reserve this workout for your middle-distance run, usually midweek. Begin with a dynamic warm-up and a few easy miles, then experiment with finding the right tempo pace, which may vary depending on the distance you’re training for.

Balancing Tempo Runs and Rest

It’s essential not to overdo tempo runs, as too much intense speed work can lead to burnout or injury. Aim for one high-quality speed session per week to reap the benefits. More experienced distance runners might incorporate a second speed session, such as an interval workout, but this isn’t necessary for noticeable improvement in speed and efficiency.

Sample Tempo Run Workouts to Boost Your Performance

Ready to give tempo runs a go? Here are two workout options to kick-start your training:

1. Tempo Run Intervals:

 – Begin with 1-2 km of easy running as a warm-up

 – Complete a dynamic warm-up (arm circles, leg swings, hip circles, active pigeon stretches, bootstrappers, burpees, air squats, and squat walks)

 – Perform 5×5 minute intervals at a 7-8/10 effort (consider your 10 km race pace for reference)

 – Jog for 90-120 seconds between intervals

 – Finish with another 1-2 km of easy running as a cool-down

2. Sustained Tempo Run:

 – Warm up with 1-2 km of easy running

 – Complete the same dynamic warm-up as above

 – Run for 30 minutes at a 6/10 pace, maintaining consistent speed throughout

 – Cool down with another 1-2 km of easy running

group of runners lined up

Tempo runs are a vital component in any runner’s training regimen, offering a range of benefits for runners of all distances. By incorporating tempo runs into your routine, you’ll not only boost your lactate threshold, efficiency, and mental strength but also prepare yourself for race day. By identifying your ideal tempo pace and incorporating various tempo workouts into your weekly schedule, you’ll maximise the effectiveness of these runs and experience significant improvements in your overall performance. So, lace up those running shoes, hit the track or trail, and give tempo runs a go. You’ll soon see the results, and your body and mind will thank you!

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